Investments, Services & Products
Whether investing directly through ENVISION or co-investing with GCPchicago, either vehicle permits full access to our team, all our intellectual property, analytic methods and tools, and the network of resources we have partnered with over the years.

Being ‘of counsel’ to the CEO, CMO or CRO is an inherent ingredient to our value proposition. We serve formal and informal roles. Formally, either as a governance and voting board member or providing perspective on an advisory board. Informally, being available for 1-on-1 access for listening, reflecting and feedback can be invaluable.

Brand Strategy
Strategy follows opportunity. ENVISION’s unique Accelerated Growth System (AGS) defines the opportunities and approach to capture. This process includes distinguishing requirements (antes) from preferences (growth drivers), guiding investment priorities.

Brand Portfolio & Brand Architecture
Guiding an emerging brand and product/service portfolio is key to long term sustainability, including determining current fit, extendibility and ultimate consumer opportunity. Focusing on the investment priorities and support is essential.

Empirical Brand Positioning
The art of brand positioning is enhanced by the precise definition of “where to look” and what can be leveraged for true differentiation. ENVISION employs a unique blend of science (“the facts”) and creativity (“the interpretations”) to provide an investment path.

Brand Equity Diagnostics
We employ the 11-dimension McKinsey & Company Brand Equity Model (acquired from ENVISION in 2000) to assess what your brand and competitive brands stand for, are vulnerable to, as well as what growth opportunities to invest behind.

Consumer Segmentation
ENVISION understands markets and can define emerging needs in a way that is exceptional. Segmentation is best when it is predictive and directive. We will help you to understand the different approaches and create the right one for your market.

Consumer Need State
Context is everything. We will analyze and understand the attitudes, situations, motivations and barriers to brand choice. Then define which factors are essential – and which are not. This also guides where to focus resources and investments.

Brand & Customer Feedback
ENVISION will take you beyond tracking to the preference drivers and critical variables that drive profitability. This is done by target segment and in total. We will also assess the effectiveness of investing behind the brand-growth drivers and the returns.